Auvor Blog

Exclusive materials, quality craftsmanship and impeccable designs.
January 4, 2023
What Must A Balcony Inspection Cover?

A balcony inspection is an important aspect of maintaining the safety and integrity of a building. It is essential to have regular inspections of balconies to ensure they are in good condition and to identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed. There are several key areas that should be covered during a […]

December 19, 2022
What if I did not receive a notice from the City but I think I have a Soft Story building?

If you think you may have a soft story building but have not received a notice from the city, it is important to take action and determine whether or not your building is, in fact, a soft story building. A soft story building is a type of building that has a weak or vulnerable ground […]

December 9, 2022
What Permits Do You Need To Build An ADU?

One of the most challenging parts of establishing an ADU is getting permits. It can be overwhelming to determine whether limitations and rules are relevant to your location, including specific balcony rules and regulations if your ADU includes a balcony. The laws and norms governing ADUs and ADU types are improving all the time. Six […]

November 29, 2022
How Can An ADU Be Beneficial For The Future?

How can an ADU be beneficial for the future? These compact areas, known as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), are incredibly practical, cozy, and convenient if you need more space but don't want to move entirely to a new location. Here are a few good reasons to add an ADU to your home if you've been […]

November 23, 2022
How We Can Exempt a Soft Story Retrofit

An apartment with tuck-under parking is an example of a soft story building, which is a multi-story building with a first floor that is significantly less rigid (soft) than the floors above. Due to unreinforced openings on the ground floor that produced considerably more movement than the soft story building could handle, the upper floors […]

November 11, 2022
Soft Story Retrofitting Isn't Just Recommended, It’s the Law.

Los Angeles passed a law requiring the retrofit of soft stories in November 2015. Depending on the structure's number of stories and housing units, the city determined which buildings were the most at risk and issued rolling orders to comply. A structure with a weak first floor frequently has a garage, a wide overhang or […]

November 11, 2022
How Can a Balcony Inspection Save a Life?

Concrete balconies can tragically collapse, despite the fact that they shouldn't. Over time, balconies can rot or even develop termite damage, requiring immediate balcony repair. California law now mandates balcony inspections of balconies and "exterior elevated elements" on multifamily structures. For residents in Los Angeles, it’s crucial to arrange balcony inspections in Los Angeles as […]

November 11, 2022
How Can ADU’s Increase My Income?

ADU’s (Accessory Dwelling Units) are a residential unit that adds to the usable area of a property and has its own door, kitchen, and bathroom. An ADU may occasionally stand alone from the primary residence on the land; in other instances, they may be attached yet have their own outside entrances. Some houses may allow […]

October 22, 2022
What Is California’s New Retrofit Grant

Thousands of residential homes and buildings in Los Angeles suffer from a fundamental structural weakness, particularly in their balconies and tuck under parking areas. Large, unreinforced spaces on the ground floors as well as the wood-frame structure make them particularly vulnerable. A new Retrofit Grant, known as the Earthquake Brace and Bolt Grant, is being […]

October 22, 2022
What Does A Balcony Inspection Consist of?

Before January 1, 2025, property owners must finish their initial SB-721 and SB-326 inspections. Building owners are required to participate in follow-up inspections under SB-721 every six years after the original inspection. When SKS Construction does an SB-326 or SB-721 inspection, we follow a step-by-step procedure to provide a thorough, trustworthy examination. Balconies, support rails, […]

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