El Segundo's Upcoming Soft-Story Retrofit Ordinance: What You Need to Know


El Segundo, a city in the South Bay Area near Long Beach, is preparing to implement its own soft-story retrofit ordinance as part of California’s seismic safety efforts. Like Los Angeles and other nearby cities, such as Long Beach, El Segundo will soon require that vulnerable structures undergo seismic retrofitting to ensure they are better protected against earthquakes. This ordinance is crucial for preserving the safety of residents, particularly in buildings with tuck under parking, which are more prone to structural damage.

What to Expect from El Segundo's Ordinance?

Property owners in El Segundo should prepare for mandatory soft-story retrofitting requirements, which will likely include:

  • Inspections: Identifying soft-story buildings and assessing their seismic vulnerabilities.
  • Retrofitting Deadlines: Timelines for compliance, from structural evaluations to completing the necessary upgrades.
  • Cost Considerations: Seismic retrofit costs can vary, but financing options and incentives may be available to help building owners comply.

What is a Soft-Story Building?

Soft-story buildings are structures with large openings on the ground floor—such as tuck under parking garages or storefronts—that lack sufficient support to withstand seismic forces. These buildings are particularly vulnerable in the event of an earthquake, making earthquake retrofitting essential for the safety of residents and tenants. SKS Construction, with its vast experience in earthquake retrofitting, offers tailored solutions for retrofitting soft-story buildings.

Why is El Segundo Taking Action?

As California is prone to earthquakes, cities across the state have adopted proactive steps to strengthen older buildings. El Segundo is following the example of cities like Long Beach, which is implementing its Building Resiliency Program. Being in a high-risk seismic zone, El Segundo's retrofitting efforts will ensure that older buildings meet modern seismic standards, increasing public safety and preventing catastrophic damage. SKS Construction, known for seismic retrofitting in Los Angeles, is a trusted partner in ensuring compliance with these new regulations.

How SKS Construction Can Help

With extensive experience in balcony repair, soft-story retrofit, and seismic retrofitting, SKS Construction is here to assist property owners in El Segundo. We offer:

  • Comprehensive Building Inspections: Evaluating your building’s seismic risks and structural integrity.
  • Custom Retrofit Plans: Tailoring solutions for your property’s specific needs.
  • Cost-Effective Retrofitting: Working within your budget while meeting compliance deadlines.

In addition to seismic retrofitting, SKS Construction also specializes in balcony inspections in Los Angeles, ensuring properties meet SB 326 inspection standards.

Stay Prepared

El Segundo is the latest city to roll out soft-story retrofitting requirements, joining other cities in the South Bay Area. If you own a soft-story building, it’s crucial to start planning now to avoid potential compliance issues and ensure your property meets seismic retrofitting Los Angeles standards.

For more information about retrofitting or how SKS Construction can assist with balcony repairs, seismic retrofitting, or balcony inspections, contact us today!

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