What to Expect When Huntington Park Implements a Soft-Story Retrofit Ordinance


Huntington Park has yet to adopt a soft-story retrofit ordinance like neighboring cities Los Angeles and Long Beach. However, it is only a matter of time before cities across Southern California, including Huntington Park, follow suit. As we have seen with Los Angeles’ Soft-Story Retrofit Program and Long Beach’s Building Resiliency Program, cities are prioritizing public safety by mandating seismic retrofits for vulnerable soft-story buildings.

Why Soft-Story Buildings Need Retrofits

Soft-story buildings, common in cities like Huntington Park, often have tuck-under parking, making them structurally vulnerable during an earthquake. The open parking spaces on the ground floor create weak points in the building's frame, which can lead to catastrophic failure in the event of seismic activity. With California being earthquake-prone, cities like Los Angeles have already enacted measures to ensure buildings are seismically sound, and it is expected that Huntington Park will eventually follow their lead.

Once a soft-story retrofit ordinance is in place, building owners in Huntington Park will be required to strengthen their structures to protect residents from potential harm during earthquakes. The cost and scope of a seismic retrofit can vary significantly depending on the building's size and complexity. The seismic retrofit cost in Huntington Park could be comparable to those in Los Angeles and Long Beach, where building owners often face significant investment to comply with new regulations.

Learning from Los Angeles and Long Beach

Los Angeles was one of the first cities to require mandatory soft-story retrofitting, passing its ordinance in 2015. This move came in response to the damage caused by past earthquakes, as well as the looming threat of a large-scale seismic event. The city has been working with building owners to complete the necessary retrofits, ensuring structures can withstand future quakes. You can read more about the city’s program here.

Similarly, Long Beach has also launched its own seismic program, which includes mandatory retrofits for soft-story buildings. The city is emphasizing preparedness, ensuring residents understand the importance of retrofitting vulnerable structures. For more details, check out Long Beach’s Building Resiliency Program here.

While Huntington Park has yet to enact such a mandate, residents and property owners should start preparing now. By referencing what has been done in Los Angeles and Long Beach, Huntington Park building owners can anticipate the steps they will need to take once the ordinance becomes law. Seismic retrofitting Los Angeles provides a glimpse into what might be required and the potential challenges owners will face, especially concerning the soft-story retrofit cost.

Earthquake Preparedness and the Importance of Retrofitting

California is no stranger to earthquakes, and the state’s history is a constant reminder of why it is essential to be prepared. The devastating consequences of major seismic events highlight the importance of retrofitting vulnerable structures. As seen in recent news, earthquakes can happen with little warning, making proactive measures like earthquake retrofitting essential for minimizing damage and saving lives.

In Huntington Park, the adoption of a soft-story retrofit ordinance would be a crucial step in improving public safety and ensuring that buildings are equipped to handle seismic forces. The earthquake retrofit cost may seem steep to some, but it is a necessary investment to prevent future tragedies. Property owners can expect to work with professionals who specialize in seismic retrofitting, to make the necessary structural improvements to comply with future regulations.

Get Ready for Huntington Park’s Future

Although there is no ordinance yet, Huntington Park building owners should not wait. By understanding the steps already taken by nearby cities, residents can begin preparing for the day when seismic retrofit standards come to Huntington Park. Reaching out to companies experienced in earthquake retrofitting will help property owners understand their options, from cost estimates to project timelines.

Stay informed, stay prepared, and start considering the steps you can take to make your building safer today. 

For expert guidance and retrofitting services, consider reaching out to SKS Construction, a trusted name in the industry. SKS Construction Company offers comprehensive solutions to ensure your building is prepared for the future. Learn more about SKS California and read SKS Construction reviews to see how they’ve helped property owners across the region.

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